Saturday, December 26, 2009

Chocolate Gateau Terrin recipe

Ingredients: Serves 10-12
230 g/ 8 oz/ 1 cup butter, softened
few drops of vanillas essence
230 g/ 8 oz/ 1 cup caster sugar
4 size 3 eggs
230 g/ 8 oz/ 2 cup self-raising flour, sifted
100 ml/ 4 fl oz/ half cup milk

For the dark chocolate filling:
115 g/ 4 oz/ 4 squares plain chocolate, chopped
115 g/ 4 oz/ 1/2 cup butter
2 size 3 eggs
2 tbsp caster sugar
225 ml/ 8 fl oz/ 1 cup double cream, lightly whipped
50 g/ 2 oz/ 1/2 cup cocoa powder
2 tbsp gelatine powder dissolved in 2 tbsp hot water

1) preheat the oven to 180°C/ 350°F. Grease a 900 g/ 2 lb loaf tin, line the base and sides with greaseproof paper and grease the paper.

2) To make the cake, place the butter, vanilla essence and sugar in a mixing bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift the flour again and fold it and the milk into the cake mixture.

3) Transfer the cake mixture to the prepared tin and bake in the centre of the oven for 25-30 minutes or until skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Leave the cake in the tin for about 5 minutes, then turn out on to a wire rack, peel off the lining paper and leave to cool completely.

4) To make the dark chocolate filling, place the chocolate and butter in a small saucepan and heat very gently, stirring frequently, until melted. Set aside to cool. Place the eggs and sugar in a mixing bowl and beat with an electric mixer until think and frothy. Fold in the cream, cocoa, and dissolved gelatine until evenly blended.

5) Using a long serrated knife, cut the cake horizontally into half. Make it as even as possible on both sides.

6) Spread the dark chocolate filling on both of the cut cake piece and let it chill for about 10 minutes.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Delicious not so delicious?

My mom and I ate at Delicious for lunch today. To my astonishment, the salad and sandwich was extremely disappointing.

Roasted duck salad: Very few ducks, filled with a vaguely sour pa melon

Grilled Balsamic Mushroom Sandwich: Was very sour! Though the bread was crispy and nice.

Monday, December 7, 2009


We celebrated Xiao Ying's birthday at TGIF. damn the portion is as bis as in New York Deli! (I can't describe every dish because I didn't eat every of it)

Fried Mac and cheese:
A warm crispy backed flour filled with macaroni and cheese

The inside of mac and cheese

mash potato. It's extraordinary delicious without the sauce

chicken wing

beef Burger: The bun was crispy with butter on it. However, the beef tasted salty and it goes the same with the fries.

bacon burger: Huey Jen, a friend of mine, said it was a bit hard to chew. She had difficulty cutting it.

I think this was beef as well

A salad with chicken

I may look like soup but it isn't, it is actually sauce for the salad

Fettuccine carbonara: Filled with chicken breast and tomato. The sauce was just right, it doesn't make one sick of eating it. Be warned though, it may look small but it's actually a big portion.

Following dishes were taking in La viva, Singapore

Mock tail: A mixture of fruits which depressingly, I forgot.

Two pieces of Lamb Rib: Suitable for alcohol lovers. The well made ribs were served with red wine sauce and vegetables. Red wine sauce isn't strong and blended well with the ribs.

Chicken coated with mushroom sauce and mushroom: A well cooked chicken with splendid combination of mushroom sauce. Be warned, sauce may be very addictive.

The custard dessert: A fine custard, the top was kept warm while the bottom was chilled. A perfect combination and for those whom doesn't have a sweet tooth.

One of the set in La Viva contain the following dishes:

Combination of salad with cheese, dates and onions.

Prawns with tomato sauce.


It may look like a cake but it's actually omelet. Egg cooked with potato and onions. To me, it taste like mash potato.

beef: well cooked with onions on it

Pork with mushroom sauce: The pork was rather dried even thought it was soaked with sauce.

Salmon fish: A bit raw but it was still scrumptious especially when added with lemon.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

More food!

Staton one:

Red bean passion: Filled with milk and red bean. Combination of red bean and milk goes well together but drinking the milk alone might make you feel sick

Tuna Croissont: Chruncy bread filled with tuna, cucumber, tomato and onion.

Chicken sandwich: Chicken was well cooked and choped into tiny pieces. It is covered with cheese and mustard. Not suitable for people whom are lactose intolerant

La Bodega:

Banana Pancake: Filled with tiny banan inside, served with maple syrup, butter and strawberry. Couldn't taste the banana
Nobble House:

Prok Ribs: Very tender and can be easily consumed but it was ruther dry.

Chilled sago mango: Mango pudding with sago in it. It was very sweet but perfect for a hot day.
Qui Ling Ko (couldn't describe this, dad ate it all)

Thursday, November 26, 2009


brownie obsession - crunchy brownie with vanilla ice-cream and chocolate sauce. Not suitable to people who can't take peanut.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Otak-otak place

I'm going to be honest here, the otak-otak place -despite the name- truth to be told does not have the best otak-otak. They're toast isn't mouth-watering either. I was disappointed with it. But beggars can't be choosers. In my mom's opinion, only the kopi that she ordered was worth it. I thought the hainanese chicken rice wasn't bad.

The hot drinks come with a biscuit :D

This cost RM 3!

I thought it was a unique way of serving it :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Don't you feel tempted?


Fried La Mian with beef. The down side was it was rather oily, but it was worth it!

Sesame dumpling with ginger soup. Ginger soup helps to refresh your body.

Salted egg bun. The bun is well made into a soft fluffy bun. The odd thing about this bun is the egg doesn't taste salty at all. Worth trying.

Mamotola in Tropicana:

It's a BBQ Japanese restaurant. I felt idly taking the pictures of the meat.

Complimentary pudding

Sunday, November 1, 2009

officially too much free time

I've officially have too much free time on my hand. You rarely see me bake during weekends. Since exams are OVER. Why not work my hands in to doing something productive? So this is what I made...

Damn nice right? :) I know, thank you, thank you! Promise to eat it? I purposely decorated it like that cause I figure I was going to post it on my blog. So I should decorate it neatly and nicely. Remember to try k?

The truth is, you'll be eating...

This! :) Come one, did you take me seriously? I'm very grateful to those who did! Honest truth. For those of you who figured that the above picture was from a book, GIVE YOURSELF A CLAP! I hope mine still looks tempting and mouth watering that it'll make you want to try it! Pretty please~

Say what? You want the recipe? Well unfortunately, the recipe in the book is inaccurate, incompletely and unreliable. I've personally tested it myself today. So I'll post the recipe here as soon as I make a few modifications to it. No worries!

The steps are pretty simply actually.

bake the cake

Remove the cake from the oven, let it cool and cut it into half.

Lastly, spread chocolate filling over it.

There's also white chocolate filling, but as I said, the recipe is inaccurate. So while you wait, why not stare at the picture and drool? For my sake :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Chocolate Loudge...

Rather expensive place. I recommend not eating there unless you're in the mood for chocolate. They serve nothing but chocolate :)

Princess of IcelandIsland


Friday, October 30, 2009

The above pictures were from Papa's cafe in Atria.
Mr.Pang's half eaten cake